Egg Rolls Taste Different By Region

Episode 3: 


Mako is a middle school girl.  She cannot wait till lunch.  It is an exciting moment to open her Bento box.  Her favorite egg rolls are always there.


Make and friends trade the contents of bento to each other.  Egg rolls are must items for their bentos, but the tastes are different to each other.


Mako’s mother is from the kansai region, where delicate flavor is dominant.  While Kayo’s egg roll is thick and sweet Kanto taste.  The Kanto version uses less dose and adds both a little sweetness and some Sake. 


She realized that every family has a different flavor and the difference of the customs, the stye of the family is reflected in Bento.



Note: The Kantoregionisa geographical area of Honshu, the largest island of Japan.  The region includes the Greater Tokyo Area and encompasses seven prefectures.  The Kansai region lies in the south-central part of Japan’s main island Honshu and consists of seven prefectures.


Dashi is Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp and the base for many dishes in Japanese cuisine.