Japanese Sake on Festive Occasions

Niigata is renowned for brand-name rice, Koshihikari, which is considered one of the best in Japan. The region is known for the hard winters and heavy snow.  Niigata is also famous for its Sake, Japan’s traditional alcoholic beverage made from rice.  High quality rice and the waters that flow from mountain snowfalls make for good quality Sakes. 

It has been a Japanese tradition to celebrate the good harvest by offering SAKE to the god (kami). Sake has some cultural significance in Japan. Drinking SAKE and offering gifts to the deities on festive occasions are common practice even today. For example, Sake is served at wedding ceremonies, or New Year days to ward off illness and bring happiness to families.


Local Sake breweries in Niigata Prefecture brew a variety of Sakes.  You can enjoy their different flavors at Sake Fares where 90 local brewers serve their proud Sake.