Sept. 5:  At the start of September, it can still be hot and humid, but it will be cooler and nicer in the middle or end of September. The weather is unstable this year, but it is the beginning of autumn and is one of the best seasons when the leaves turn red and yellow.


When Japan began to release treated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant last week, China and Hong Kong banned all seafood imports from Japan.


Even though Japan’s treated water release plan is consistent with international safety standards*1, and Chinese nuclear plants discharged large volumes of tritium*2.


The issue is not likely to be solved only with scientific data because it’s a political issue as well. 


What we can do for now is try not to spread harmful rumors of Fukushima seafood, and continue to offer scientifically proven, transparent information to the world. More than anything, Japanese people should buy and eat Fukushima seafood to support fisheries.


*1. The tritium concentration after dilution is less than 1/40 of the safety standard (or 1/7 of the WHO standards for drinking water). 

The annual effects of radiation from discharging ALPS-treated water into the sea are minimal at 1/1,000,000 to 1/70,000 of the annual effects from radiation that we receive every day (natural radiation). 

Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

ALPS= Advanced Liquid Processing System

*In 2021, Yange Nuclear Plant In Guangdong Province released 112 trillion becquerels. Ningde Nuclear Plant in Fujian Province released 102 trillion becquerelsHongYanhe Nuclear Plant in Ningde Province released 90 trillion becquerels,

While Fukushima Nuclear Plant is scheduled to release less than 22 trillion becquerels A year.

Source: Nikkei Sept.6, 2023