Art Tour - 2



Discover Japanese fine artworks at galleries in some of Tokyo’s vibrant and trendy areas, Omotesando, Aoyama, and Shibuya. You can appreciate Japanese-style paintings and contemporary artworks and stunning architecture along Omotesando Avenue and in Aoyama.


Meet your guide at JR Harajuku Station, or we will pick you up at your hotel lobby.



JR Harajuku Station Exit Omotesando Avenue Ota Memorial Museum (Option)  ➡ Omotesando Hills Nezu Museum  Spiral Hall ➡ Walk along Cat Street to Miyashita Park  Shibuya Crossing


Duration: 4 hours


Price:  JPY16,000


What’s Included: 

-   Professional guide fee

-  One drink 

What's not Included:

-   Public Transportation

-   Admission Ticket (museum or gallery)

Additional Info:

          Insurance --- We will recommend to take out an accident insurance policy.

          Operations in all weather conditions



Harajuku / Omotesando

Stunning Architectural Buildings on Omotesando Street

The Harajuku-Omotesando area is the birthplace of the latest culture and fashion, and a showcase of trendy and state-of-the-art architecture.

“Omotesando” in Tokyo is one of the liveliest and most sophisticated shopping districts in Tokyo, where luxury brand boutiques along the avenue create a stylish atmosphere.  In the nearby Omotesando and Aoyama area, you can see many examples of Tokyo's finest modern architecture, including PRADA, TOD's Omotesando, Dior, Louis Vuitton, and more. Here are some of them.

Major architectural buildings: 

Miyashita Park